Ladder Health & Safety Regulations
Ladder and Stepladder DO's and DONT's
The list is for guidance only and is not exhaustive.
All these points, and may others, are covered in detail in
the Ladder Association’s standard training course.
DO make sure you carry out a risk assessment
DO make sure a ladder is the correct piece of equipment for the job
DO make sure you are using the right classification of ladder
DO make sure you are wearing the correct footwear
DO make sure you are wearing a helmet
DO make sure the ladder is safe and in good condition
DO make sure it has two serviceable non-slip fleet
DO make sure the rungs are clean and secure
DO make sure it’s on a firm and level base
DO make sure the ladder is at the right height for the job
DO make sure it’s at the right angle for the job (70 – 75 degrees)
DO make sure you use a firm grip and three points of contact
DON’T work near electrical or overhead hazards
DON’T work in poor weather conditions
DON’T present a hazard to traffic or passers by
DON’T overload yourself with tools and materials
DON’T overreach to complete the task
DON’T stand on the top three rung